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- Tags: Cynthia Cechota
The Oak-Vol. 10, No. 2, Winter 1991
Tags: Birding, Cedar Valley Nature Trail, Construction, Cross Country Skiing, Cynthia Cechota, Don Jorgensen, Earth Fair, Friends of Hartman Reserve, Gift Shop, Hartman Addition Clean-up, Ice Fishing, Jean Klingaman, Jonna McIntire, Junior Naturalists, Maple Syrup Festival, Outstanding Environmental Education Program, Pat Hunziker, Photo Exhibit, Randy Barnes, Ranger Rick, Snowshoes, Wildlife Habitat Improvement Award
The Oak-Vol. 10, No. 1, Fall 1990
"And Then The Rains Returned"-Steve Finegan, Exec. Director
"Introducing Sandera Fulcher"-Mary Kay Eakin
"Forestry Field Day"
Intergrated Roadside Vegetation Management"…
Tags: Apple Cider, Apples, Astrolabs, Bats, BHCCB, Birdseed Sale, Board Meetings, Bugs, Canoe Float, Cedar Valley Wetlands Foundation, Cross-Country Ski Clinics, Cynthia Cechota, Effigy Mounds National Monument, Fall, Fall Portraits, Fish, Flooding, Forestry Field Day, Friends of Hartman Reserve, Gift Shop, Green belt, Halloween Hikes, Hawk Watch, Intergrated Roadside Vegetation Management, Iowa Game Fair, Joel Van Roekel, Jonna McIntire, JR. Naturalists, Kids' Games, Labor day, Learning Tree, Luna tics, Mail Order, Map, Miratory Birds, Mountain Dulcimer, Naming Gift Shop, Naturalist, News Letter Fund, Ologies, Photo Contest, Project, Ranger Rick, Sandra Fulcher, Sarah Hansuke, Seedling Orders, Shell Rock, Snowshoe Making Workshop, State Nursery, The last Great Wilderness, Tree Seed, Turkey Trot, Volenteers, Volksmarch, Werewolves, Wildlife Art Day, Wolves