Browse Items (2025 total)

List of members off Hartman Reserve Task Force. B.L. Clausen has handwritten note pertaining to expansion of group.

Newspaper article "Symbolic Fire Part of Dedication of Friendship Circle on Hartman Reserve". Includes photo and short description of event
Magazine article talking about lnd recently purchased from the Manatt Corporation, and plans on how to reclaim the land.
Schedule and small description of Earth Fair events happening throughout the day.
3 Pages, Loose. Letter between University of Northern Iowa Biology Department and John Bruce of the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments. Letter pertains to environmental description and education usage of Hartman Reserve, as well as…
Newspaper article "Camp Purchase to be Proposed". Article describes a meeting to be held between the city and county officials and the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments.
3 Pages, Loose. Notes and Area of Considertion for the Camp Hartman Project, as well as a project description.
Letter between Perry H. Grier, Black Hawk-Buchanan County Board of Education Superintendent and Loren D. Reese, Executive Director of the Black Hawk County Conservation Board pertaining to support for a center for educational camp experiences.
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